You can help us

Rebuild the community. Restore the heart. Renew the mind.

You can make a difference in our city, for

$ 0

and provide one therapy session at no cost to the client

$ 25

and provide one therapy session at no cost to the church

$ 75

and provide one therapy session at no cost to the church or the client

Church x City Counseling is a non-profit organization — which means our ability to make an impact is entirely dependent on the generosity of donors.

Your donor dollars help us:

  • Find and hire full-time counselors
  • Develop resources for training and support
  • Recruit, connect and grow the number of churches we support
  • Keep our licensing and records up-to-date
  • Maintain our ongoing administrative needs
  • Adhere to HIPAA Guidelines and clinical best practice

Every dollar counts — and makes a real impact right here in our city.

$ 0

and provide one therapy session at no cost to the client

$ 25

and provide one therapy session at no cost to the church

$ 75

and provide one therapy session at no cost to the church or the client